The “Lean Hospital” Book: The Better Hospital – Excellence Through Leadership and Innovation
The origin of “Lean Hospital”
Lean has been used in the industry for decades. In 2000, several hospitals in the northwest of the USA already started to utilize the Toyota production system in their houses. The silent revolution took its course. Today, new hospitals in the USA are built according to the Lean aspects virtually without exception.
A lot of misunderstandings surround Lean and there is no straightforward path to the goal. There are wrong tracks and detours. The book convincingly explains what Lean is about. Lean Hospital is very comprehensive: it is a philosophy, a new way of thinking and not merely a collection of good ideas. Successful implementations are copied but “Lean” in the hospital works and is successful for those who declare “Lean” as the maxim of their house.
Success through the right focus
Part of Lean Hospital is that the patient always comes first. That means that the patient’s needs have to be taken seriously consistently and that the hospital is made into a better place for patients as well as their families and friends. Thanks to the radical patient orientation and downright obsession regarding patient safety, fewer costs arise in the end because the employees are not constantly occupied with fixing their own mistakes and those of others. In everyday work, the employees are less exposed to stressful situations. Thereby, the employees’ motivation and commitment rise as well as the medical quality and the economic viability. Everyone profits from that and the progress is sustainable.
With the Lean Hospital strategy, the hospitals are more successful, because the patients come first and the patient orientation and patient security are central goals. That way, “Lean” becomes the first choice for all hospitals that have to contend in competition.
Lean Hospital is new, exciting and thrilling. This book is thought-provoking, sets new impulses and triggers developments. It is an exciting introduction to a topic which hospitals will intensively be occupied with in the coming years, because, with Lean Hospital, things become possible that were unimaginable before. “The Better Hospital – Excellence Through Leadership and Innovation” has been available in book shops since June 2015.
Plus de temps pour les patients dans les unités de soins
Le milieu hospitalier fait face à de nombreux changements et doit relever de nombreux défis. La médecine se transforme en un système fondé de plus en plus sur la collaboration interprofessionnelle et interdisciplinaire. Les prestations hospitalières simples sont pratiquées en ambulatoire et les cas complexes augmentent dans les unités de soins. La charge de travail des collaborateurs s’accroit, produisant des situations de plus en plus stressantes. Des études ont montré que c’est en premier lieu le contact avec les patients et la planification de soins qui font les frais de la surcharge de travail, ce qui déplait aux patients autant qu’aux collaborateurs. Les équipes médico-soignantes sont confrontées à des absences pour maladie, des heures supplémentaires et une insatisfaction grandissante.
Plus de temps pour les patients dans une unité de soins est possible en organisant et accomplissant son travail selon les tactiques du Lean. Orientation patient, qualité de la prise en charge et sécurité des patients en sont les objectifs centraux et sont vécus au quotidien. Chaque collaborateur travaille dans son cœur de métier, ce qui renforce motivation, engagement et efficacité.
Ce livre décrit les approches qui permettent d’atteindre ces objectifs de manière pratique. Les résultats parlent d’eux-mêmes : davantage de temps de qualité avec les patients.
- concret : mise en application des stratégies du Lean dans la prise en charge des patients dans les unités de soins
- utile : exemples parlants et instructions pour la mise en œuvre
- performant : une plus grande qualité, davantage de satisfaction et d’efficacité grâce à une orientation conséquente à l’attention des patients
- pratique : un chapitre entièrement consacré aux succès obtenus par les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
The Emergency Flow Concept – Patient First. Provider First.
Flow of patients versus process flow
Emergency rooms often demonstrate no flow of patients, but rather serial process flows. This deficit leads to communication problems, slow decision-making, lacking transparency and hence also to great dissatisfaction of employees as well as great wastage. As a countermeasure, the Emergency Flow Concept offers the process of Medical Team Evaluations (MTE), directing the emergency room as a system as well as an effective patient management. The principles of patient orientation, immediate processing and standardization serve as the basis for this.
The Emergency Flow Concept removes barriers in the current emergency process. In the process of the Medical Team Evaluations (MTE), patients are examined by a qualified doctor and a caregiver and a further approach is planned as soon as they enter. In the further course, the services of the different professional groups are coordinated. That way, the frequency of interaction can be reduced to less than half. The results are shorter processing times, higher productivity and not least improved employee satisfaction.
In 2013, the Emergency Flow Concept was distinguished with the “Business Engineering Award” by the University St. Gallen. This award is issued annually to development teams, who have produced excellent innovations. The jury, consisting of professors from different universities and industry representatives, was impressed by the improvements for patients and employees.
The team of authors is made up of nine, in part former, consultants of walkerproject, who pass on their practical experience and acquired knowledge in this book. The goal is to improve the situation of the emergency rooms across all of Switzerland.
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