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Cooperation and mergers

When a cooperation is more successful than a solo effort

Cooperation and mergers

Overview of topics

Position yourself well for current and future challenges


Increasing cost pressures and dense regulatory requirements will not ease the situation for healthcare providers in the medium or long term. The question arises as to how a service provider should change strategically and operationally so that it is well positioned to meet current and future challenges. Although a solo effort is often preferred by service providers because of the way they have seen themselves historically, cooperation and partnerships with other institutions often offer better chances of survival.

Maximum risk but unavoidable

There are several possible collaboration models. Whether the end result is a strategic alliance, cooperation, or even a merger depends not only on the size and legal form of the service providers involved but also on the goal and purpose of increased cooperation (economic aspects or aspects of care). Cooperations up to mergers can be risky to the maximum, but at the same time they are becoming more and more inevitable in the health sector. The integrated supply of the future is a supply of optimally coordinated network partners.

Create the path by walking it

The often-rocky road to cooperation can be a deterrent to going down this path. We offer you a helping hand to strengthen your strategic cooperation and alliance capabilities and take advantage of the positioning opportunities in integrated care. Together with you, we prepare the basis for decisions on possible forms of cooperation, including mergers, and accompany you on the path to a solution. We moderate the political process on your side and prepare the organisation for the transformation.

Our offerings


We examine the current situation of the service provider(s) or partner(s) willing to cooperate. As a result, it is clear where action is needed, and which strategic options are available to the service provider(s) involved.

Models of cooperation

Based on the analysis, the feasibility between going it alone or possible forms of cooperation is discussed. The positioning is sharpened toward current and potential competitors and toward the regulator and performance buyers. Finally, the decision on the appropriate model of cooperation is made, e.g., a strategic alliance, cooperation, a merger, or simultaneous cooperation and competition.

Cooperation preparation and planning

Based on the approved cooperation strategy, goal-oriented implementation is planned. The organisations are prepared for the transformation toward a new form of cooperation with the involvement of the employees.

Implementation support/program management

Many aspects can cause difficulties when implementing a cooperation project. We take over the overall management of the implementation of the strategic initiative or options for action and accompany you during the moderation and medication processes.

Do you want to learn more?

Would you like to learn more about cooperations and mergers? We would be delighted to tell you more about our project work in an obligation-free conversation or answer any questions you may have. Our team is looking forward to hearing from you!

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